
Showing posts from January, 2018

#Me Too Continued, Continued

It's a common fact that a high percentage of abusers are people you know whether that be a family member or family friend. I can definitely identify with that and more than once.   Gee as I look at my life and see all the instances of sexual abuse I wonder how it didn't affect me as badly as it did. I hope that people don't read these accounts and feel sorry for me or think that I'm broken because I'm not. I'm alive and enjoying life. I also hope that people don't read my story and think  that I'm making it up because really I'm not. This was my life.   Anyhow back to the topic.I wonder if I should tell the names of these men that abused me should I care what could possibly happen to them if I dare to utter their names. Why should I care. Did they care when they touched me the way they did. Did  they think I wouldn't remember or care. Did they stop to think how they're actions would affect me or my  life? I hardly think so.   I grew up the